Wednesday, February 13, 2008

are you worth it?

Its February 14 now and so may I greet you a Happy Valentine’s Day as cheerful as the commercialized concept of this celebration is and may I wish you to have something exciting and truly marvelous today, with or without someone else to validate all the questions you have about whether you are worthy. Now, that word: “worthy” or “worth” is something truly heavy. To not have it is like to not have any reason to exist in any possible plane. Is it worth it? Are you worth it? I guess, for me, the answer will always be: Yes. Everything, every pain, every foolishness, every stumble, every negative word that has been hurled against you upfront or behind your back is worth it. I don’t seem to make sense, right? Well, that’s the way I see things in my life now. Everything that comes your way is exactly what you need at the moment and if you just embrace it and learn from it, you will always win. Who said that if too many people don’t like you makes you a looser? Well, how many people had Jesus Christ crucified during his prime? Who said that if have gotten through too many failed relationships makes you a looser? Well, how many people who are in a “so-called loving partnership/relationship” really have a “loving” relationship? I remember several years ago when I was with a female pal and I was wallowing in being single and alone and about how even one of our gay friends already has several years to his “live together” relationship. I kept mumbling about not finding the one for me until my girl friend interrupted with a “in those several years, I guess only two or less will be what you can declare a true relationship between this friend of ours and his boyfriend!” Ha! So I stopped being silly. Of course, I became foolish, really foolish later when I got myself into turbulent relationships. May I say, I have been to hell and back, then to hell again, and back again, and… alright, it was worth it! I gradually realized what it is I truly wanted. I learned to prioritize. I even learned to love myself, can you believe that?!!! The key to making it all worth it is to try to see things from varying perspectives. Always try, to not understand, but accept that everyone, just like you, have their own biases/prejudices. And if, they think that saying something truly nasty about you is what you deserve, let them have their time of day. What people hurl towards you is exactly who they are in the kind of world they deserve. If they believe that you did them something wrong premeditatively, then its because they see themselves as worthy of such plots in their world… It does not have to be true in yours… What you see and how you deal with your life is your declaration of the kind of space you are worthy of in this universe… Again, a truly deserved happy valentine’s for you…

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